About Us

Margo is my name. Like most small town prairie children my parents sent me off each Sunday morning to Sunday school. My parents were not religous people. In fact they rarely set foot inside a church that I can remember. Our family certainly did not gather around each day to study the Bible or pray. Yet, I developed an acknowledgement of God at a very young age. I don`t remember a time when I did not know there is a God.

Taking this knowledge I bumbled through life as best as I could. I read the Bible from cover to cover a number of times. Some people may have labelled me a Christian. I would have described myself as a person with Christian beliefs: something like a confirmed bachelor who believes in marriage.

My actual committment to God did not come about until I was about 33 years old. My dearest and close friend (Carol!) helped reveal to me that Christianity is not just a philosophy by which one lives. It is a lifelong committment- a marriage- that one enters in with his Master. And like any contract it must be tended to and honoured.

The church desires people who can think for themselves- who can look at the evidence the Bible presents and make an informed decision. This is what I did. What about you?

My name is Carol. I feel that I must first tell you that I do not consider myself a teacher but a student. From childhood, I was interested in the deeper aspects of life, drawing in the sand while I pondered the universe and even created worlds of my own. As an adult, my desire is to remain that pondering child, except be open to  ideas that come not from my own making but from the real creator of the universe. During my life thus far, I have not only learned and relearned much but also have discovered new ideas and beliefs that were contrary to what I thought I already knew.  I like to think that I have an open heart without which is impossible to listen or learn. I am not the authority on life and truth but am  a person like you, continuing to learn and this is why I call myself a student.  Yet, I must share that which I have learned and been convicted of as I have studied and learned from the Bible. I am a member of the church of Christ and it is through the teachings that I have received there that I became a Christian.
I was raised in a denominational church where tradition was emphasized. This developed in me a love for Jesus. As I grew, I encountered the Bible which led to a deepening respect and awareness of its truth. I am forever indebted to those that helped me along that path. It wasn’t until I came in contact with the church of Christ though that a fuller understanding of the Bible, especially the New Testament, began.  I have learned from several gifted teachers and evangelists in the church and I am grateful for their perseverance and dedication to the gospel. God is merciful and good for it is due to His providence that in my searching, he provided the answers.  I hope that you, the reader, and I will be able to discuss the Bible for I understand that we are all vulnerable as children as we grow in that search towards heaven. I promise to respect you as I have been so graciously respected along my own journey. I have also provided links to others that are able-bodied teachers in the Bible. Thank you for visiting.